The second piece in my series “Demon Bots”, “FOMO Machine” is a chrome extension that, whenever you try to log into social media, presents you with 9 images mined from your social media feeds and provokes you to select all the images that seem better (more fun, more exciting, more productive etc) than your day thus far in order to prove that you are indeed not a robot. Select any of the images and the captcha results will be inconclusive.
Select none and you can proceed to your desired destination. Alternatively, if you desire, you can outsource the expressing of your insecurity to a bot which will select images for you. In this manner, “FOMO Machine” explores whether the feelings of insecurity that social media encourages us to addictively dwell on may condition our online selves to become more predictable, impressionable or even programmed.
Fall 2021
© 2021 all rights reserved Mohar Kalra.